
TUFF thoughts on Dana’s White’s latest vlog

By Katrina Belcher (KatrinaBelcher@mmaratings.net)

Okay folks – here’s Dana White’s latest video blog or "vlog" as they’re more affectionately known.

In this vlog, he talks about a lot of things going on – most especially his cousin, who was fighting at the event, and giving away tickets to UFC 107 in Los Angeles, via Twitter.

The event was the Tuff-N-Uff Future Stars event that was part of Randy Couture’s Xtreme Combat Weekend and Fundraiser! 100% of the proceeds from the Tuff-N-Uff fight Card went to support the Xtreme Couture G.I. Foundation.

Some of my observations:

  • Well there’s nothing like making a grand entrance…"fashionably late" huh? I feel sorry for the guys in the ring!
  • Hey – did he get credentialed? HAHAHA…
  • Randy was there? What a cutie!
  • Gina Carano corn rolls — hahaha.
  • Those two kids cut school and were from Mission Viejo – I’M from MV…that’s where I bought my first house!
  • Hahaha – that was a great vlog… Well, except for the f-bombs, but then it wouldn’t be Dana, would it?
  • Shame his cousin lost!


What Do You Think of This Fight/Event?