
UFC 111 – Why I’m Hoping for a Shane Carwin Victory and my secret desire for Frank Mir to Shut Up!

event posterBy Regina Trolman

Haven’t we had enough of Frank Mir mouthing off about Brock Lesnar? Isn’t it time Frank started concentrating on something else? All this trash talking, wishing Brock would ‘die’ and telling the media how he feels he deserves his chance to ‘put Brock Lesnar in his place for once and for all’ is getting old.

I don’t know about you, but when I see the replay of Frank Sr. waving like a maniac, begging Herb Dean to stop the fight as Brock hammers Frank Jr.’s face into the canvas, it kinda looks to me like Brock has made his statement and enough is enough.

Patiently waiting for his opportunity to fight, Shane has not been caught up in all the whoopla, craziness, finger pointing, name calling, and childish threats that seem to pass back and forth between Mir and Lesnar. A working man, Shane still holds his 9-5 job. He says he doesn’t make the kind of money that Lesnar and Mir make. So, to keep the Carwin family floating and pursue his dream, Shane continues to work his ‘real’ job. A mechanical engineer by trade, Carwin says he’s thankful to have a supportive boss who’s also an MMA fan and a family who shares his in love of the sport.

Shane Carwin has been sitting by the UFC Heavyweight sidelines for a while now. With his size 4XL gloves, he stands 6’-2” and weighs in at 265lbs. His UFC debut fight against Christian Wellisch at UFC 84 was a KO in 44 seconds of the first round. Next came a TKO win against Neil Wain in 1:31 of a first round fight at UFC 89. Then a KO of Gabriel Gonzaga at the 69 second mark of a first round fight at UFC 96.

With those three fights Carwin immediately raised the attention of UFC leaders. Unfortunately, the stars just weren’t lining up properly for him. A fight with Cain Velasquez in UFC 104 was cancelled for unknown reasons, then Brock Lesnar became ill with intestinal problems and the whole Heavyweight Division got crazy and confusing.

Now we fast forward to these recent weeks leading to UFC 111, Carwin’s opportunity has finally arrived. It’s been over a year since Carwin last stepped into the octagon. Last appearance – March 7, 2009 at UFC 96 against Gonzaga.

According to the rankings, half of the top 10 Heavyweights in the world are signed with the UFC. Lesnar, Mir, Velasquez, Dos Santos and Rodrigo Nogueira are all riding in the top 7. Shane Carwin only recently dropped off of the #10 spot due to 12 months of inactivity. A worthy opponent for any of the heavyweights, Carwin has been fighting professionally for 5 years. He now holds a record of 11-0-0, including 6 knockouts and 5 submission victories. Amazingly, none of his fights have made it past the first round or lasted past the 2:11 mark.

I easily see him as the fighter who can come in and put a spin on the Heavyweight division. We’ve all seen what Mir can do when he’s in his best shape. Minotauro Nogueira remains a viable contender at Heavyweight and recent events have shown us the powerful statements made by Cain Velasquez and Junior Dos Santos.

I wonder has Mir overlooked Carwin in his quest to gain revenge against Lesnar? Carwin has stated several times that he’s not taking Frank Mir ‘lightly’. Carwin has great respect for Mir and says that by coming into this fight with a year long layoff he knows he has to be in ‘the best shape of his life’ to be victorious against the 2 time champion. I just hope that Mir is not taking Shane Carwin ‘lighty’. I believe Carwin’s strong wrestling background and toolbox-sized fists will be a force for Mir to beat at UFC 111. How interesting would it be to see Carwin finish Mir to gain the UFC Interim Heavyweight title?

I anxiously await the end of this fight! Carwin’s got a record for finishing fights before the first round ends. Don’t blink! Mir is known for crazy submissions and vicious knockout punches. Who knows what will happen!

Obviously, my hope is for a Shane Carwin victory. This fight could potentially set the pace of the UFC Heavyweight division for the next couple of years. What a great way to end the Mir and Lesnar bickering! My mind races with the possibilities of the amazing matchups that might come about if Carwin’s fist is raised. Imagine: Carwin vs Lesnar then maybe Lesnar or Carwin vs Velasquez, Lesnar or Carwin vs Dos Santos and on and on and on… I wait with anticipation. My money is on Shane Carwin!

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