
Fight Odds For UFC Fight Night 24: Seattle

event posterBestFightOdds.comUFC Fight Night 24: Seattle was held on March 26, 2011 at the Key Arena in Seattle, Washington.

SnarkFights (Tomas Rios): More betting advice, Lowe is around +160-170 against Lentz who never does well when physically overpowered.

JonLutherMMA: For those who bet on fighting: A few of Sean McCorkle’s training partners have told me they “highly doubt” be beats Christian Morecraft.

robnashville: Looking at odds for tonite’s UFC card, Madsen much larger favo over Russow than i think is reasonable, folks over valuing Duffee fight

SnarkFights: @robnashville Madsen should be a big favorite over Russow. I don’t get your point.

robnashville: @SnarkFights it would seem we disagree then…madsen is decent but i wouldn’t think he would be a over -200 fave against a cadaver

SnarkFights: @robnashville He beat the sense out of the cadaver known as Yvel. He’s a good wrestler with serviceable ground and pound when he tries.

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