
The Top Wrestlers in MMA

By Raphael Garcia

In the March issue of Fight! Magazine, the publication did an interesting piece on the top wrestlers in Mixed Martial Arts. They ranked the 33 best wrestlers in the sport and gave interesting comments on why they felt that person deserved that position. I remember seeing this debate on Twitter and saw some valid and obscure responses. The list got me thinking, who would I put in my top five wrestlers of the sport?

Number 5: Brock Lesnar
Now you may ask why I have Lesnar fifth on my list. First, he’s a great wrestler, as he dominated his way towards the 2000 NCAA Heavyweight Championship. His wrestling abilities even transitioned over to the over the top world of professional wrestling. When Lesnar became a mixed martial artist, everyone knew exactly what they had to look out for. Lesnar is a powerhouse whose dynamic shot can come at any moment. His speed is amazing for a man his size, and he moves very well. My main concern, which is important at any level of wrestling, is cardio. Lesnar gassed himself while fighting Cain Velasquez, and that didn’t help his position. If the former champion can learn how to better temper that powerful motor for the long haul, he will become even more dangerous.

Number 4: Ben Askren
I remember watching Askren dominate during the NCAA championship and thinking that he would be a handful to deal with in MMA. He didn’t prove me wrong, as he used his strong wrestling base to obtain the Bellator Welterweight Title. While his standup game needs some work, Askren is very confident in his bread and butter. To make matters worse for opponents, Askren is learning BJJ, which will make his takedowns and top control that much more potent. Next weekend he is set to fight Nick Thompson, who is also a former collegiate wrestler.

Number 3: Josh Koscheck
Koscheck’s driving double leg is something I enjoy watching. It seems as if he can shoot from any distance, and once he gets in close, he drives his opponents across the cage until their backs are on the mat. Once they’re down, he has great top control and positioning that allows him to stay there for ample amounts of time. His cardiovascular endurance is very important to the way he fights because his style of wrestling could quickly drain you. In my opinion, this makes Kos one of the top wrestlers in the sport.

Number 2: Gray Maynard
Maynard has earned his nickname “The Bully.”. When he takes his opponent down, he brutalizes them from that point on. The worst thing is that it’s not always with strikes, but the way he grinds his way past an opponent’s guard and just holds him in stifling positions. Fans may not like his “lay and pray” style, but it does exactly what it’s supposed to do, and that’s lead to victories. Maynard’s wrestling is the primary reason why he’s still undefeated as he readies for his title shot in May.

Number 1: Georges St. Pierre
While GSP does not have the collegiate accolades that anchor the wrestlers on this list, his style has transitioned almost perfectly to the world of MMA. His ability to transition so quickly from striking to wrestling makes him that much more dangerous. It’s nearly impossible to defend against a shot when you have to worry about keeping your hands high to avoid powerful shots. He has dominated other great wrestlers throughout the division, including Jon Fitch, Josh Koscheck, and Matt Hughes.

Honorable Mentions: Jon Fitch, Jon Jones, Phil Davis, Cain Velasquez, Rashad Evans, and Dominick Cruz.

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