Strikeforce: Diaz vs. Daley
10. Nick Diaz vs. Paul Daley (Welterweight Championship bout): Nick Diaz defeated Paul Daley via TKO (strikes) at 4:57 of round 1 to retain the Strikeforce welterweight championship.
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According to FightMetric Diaz landed 44 significant strikes in his fight against Paul Daley and as such remains at #1 with 587 landed in his Strikeforce career.
Diaz and Daley spent a little time taunting each other before turning on the fireworks. Once they got started they both managed to rock each other often and they both made bad decisions not capitalizing on opportunities to finish or take control. It looked like Diaz was on the verge of getting stopped, but he recovered, thanks in part to one of Daley's lack of aggressiveness going in for the kill. When the tables were turned Daley did not get the same leniency from the McCarthy who definitely stopped the fight premature in my opinion. Daley got clipped and lost his balance. He spun on the mat and was actively defending when McCarthy jumped in.
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