MMA Ratings Men’s Divisional Fighter Rankings are generated by Nick Bailey and contribute to the Independent World MMA Rankings and the USA TODAY / SB Nation Consensus MMA Rankings.
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Our divisional fighter rankings attempt to illustrate who the best fighters are in each division based on their MMA fighting accomplishments.
Inactivity: Fighters who have not fought in the past 12 months are not eligible to be ranked, and will regain their eligibility the next time they fight.
Disciplinary Suspensions: We do not take disciplinary suspensions or drug test results into consideration.
Weight Divisions: Fighters are eligible to be ranked in any divisions in which they have competed in the last 12 months.
Catch Weight Fights: When fights are contested at weights that are in between the limits of the various weight classes, they are considered to be in the higher weight class. The weight limits for each weight class are listed at the top of the rankings for each weight class.
See our updated ranking methodology.
Congrats on contributing the rankings, Nick. No love for Kid Yamamoto?
Your heavyweight rankings make absolutely no sense to me. Fabricio cracking the top 5? Huh? Cigano ahead of Cain? Carwin under Rogers?
@VikrumIf you look at them in terms of who they actually beat then it does make sense. Werdum beat Fedor. Cigano beat Werdum. Cain beat Lesnar and Lesnar beat Mir.
@VikrumIf you look at them in terms of who they actually beat then it does make sense. Werdum beat Fedor. Cigano beat Werdum. Cain beat Lesnar and Lesnar beat Mir.