
TUF TIMES: Team Bisping vs. Team Miller, Season 14-Episode 9

By Julie Romine

This week on The Ultimate Fighter Team Bisping’s TJ Dillashaw took on Team Miller’s Dustin Pague. Team Miller’s training time was spent concentrating on readying Dustin Pague for his fight, and he was well prepared despite being the underdog for the fight.

Later that evening, “Mayhem” Miller decided to show up at the house to have a BBQ with his team. To make the night interesting, Dustin said he would eat a cockroach, but despite Miller and some of the other guys looking around outside, they couldn’t find one. However, they were able to find a few other large bugs, and without hesitation, Dustin ate those! Impressed, Miller gave him 60 dollars.

The Coaches’ Challenge was next, and the game was air hockey! Dana White indicated that he loves this part of the season. Miller won the coin toss to decide who went first, but Bisping won all 3 games, netting $10,000 for Bisping, and $1,500 for each fighter on his team, so the team was thrilled!

Team Bisping’s training time concentrated on TJ, and since TJ is a wrestler, they focused more on striking practice than ground time. By the time of the weigh-in, both fighters were on target, and more than ready to go.

Fight time! Team Miller’s Dustin Pague (10-4) faced Team Bisping’s TJ Dillashaw (4-0). In Round 1 the fighters came out on their toes, finding each other’s range with their paws up. TJ quickly took Dustin down and dominated on top as Dustin kept busy on the bottom, while his coaches shouted out advice in the background. TJ threw good punches and elbows, but Dustin actively defended. This went on for a few minutes, until they both stood up. TJ shot for another takedown, but Dustin defended it, and the round ended with both fighters throwing strikes.

Round 2 started with both fighters resuming the striking, until TJ took Dustin down yet again. However, with TJ in full guard, Dustin tried to use the cage to get up or sweep. TJ was able to advance to side mount, and slowly moved toward an arm to try to secure a submission, but he did so while throwing good strikes. As the round reached it’s final minute, Dustin really needed to get to his feet, but TJ was too strong on top. TJ dominated Dustin with grappling and striking on the ground until the bell rang.

In Round 3, both guys came out determined to win with striking and kept their hands high. Dustin was a little bloody and TJ once again tripped Dustin to the ground. While controlling Dustin, TJ threw hammer fists down, but Dustin punched back and defended himself. However, by the time the final bell rang, TJ Dillashaw had dominated all 3 rounds. TJ won via decision, and rightfully so.

Next week will be last 2 semifinals: Team Miller fighters Bedford and Dodson will square off, and Team Miller’s Bryan Caraway will face Team Bisping’s Diego Brandao. These fights will bring us a little bit closer to answering the question: Who will become the next Ultimate Fighter? Please join me next Wednesday night on Spike TV, or catch up here on MMA Ratings.

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