
Quick Q&A with Bantamweight Fighter John Albert

By Julie Romine

The Ultimate Fighter (TUF) usually focuses on less experienced fighters, giving them the opportunity to take their games up a notch or two by training with a UFC fighter and his hand-picked coaches and trainers. Fans have mixed emotions regarding fighters from the show, as it appears that they are viewed as receiving preferential treatment by the promotion. But at the same time, these fighters are better-exposed and more well-known than the average fighter who comes to the UFC from another promotion. Therefore, much of the online commentary seems highly critical of these new UFC fighters. However, the idea of “fighting to get in the house” was a great one for the show, in that it offered the fighters the chance to prove that they deserved to be there. This is especially important as the competition to be included on the show has become so fierce in recent years.

Last season’s TUF show introduced us to fighter John “Prince” Albert. He did not win the show, but was a strong contender, and showed the world that he has what it takes both standing and on the ground. As MMA continues to grow and become more popular, fighters are now expected to possess the complete package, and John Albert is a true Mixed Martial Artist with a full box of skills. He is honestly enjoying the experience of being in the UFC, and his future looks extremely bright.

Julie Romine: Hello John, thanks for letting me ask you a few questions to help get your name out there and inform the MMA fans, fighters, and friends of your background. Lets begin with your MMA background , and where you are from. Where do you live and what is your primary weapon? Thanks again.

John Albert: No problem. I was born in Reno Nevada lived there 6 years, moved to Washington State in 1993, lived here ever since, I currently reside in Puyallup, Washington, and I train in Yelm, Washington with Dennis Hallman at Victory Athletics, and our base is submission wrestling, I say I’m a ground fighter first — that’s what I was brought up in — and believe I am best at, but my striking has shown to compete with top level guys so…I’m 50/50. I truly believe to be a real mixed martial artist because I don’t have an extensive background in anything in particular, and developed everything pretty much equally.

Julie: I see you are skilled both standing and on the ground, with 4 KO’s and 3 submissions (7-2-0); Do you prefer to stand or take the fight to the ground?

John: I definitely prefer to keep it standing, I feel my ground game is pretty good and I love grappling, but I have just so much fun standing up, and have yet to have someone out strike me so I plan on keeping it on the feet. (Laughs.)

Julie: When did you decide that MMA was for you, and why?

John: Well, my friend Jeff Thorpe came to me one day and asked if I could help his wrestling out cause he did MMA. I was almost dumbfounded cause I had no idea about amateur MMA. I thought you got into the UFC by draft or something or you had to be apart of a gym. It was really strange to me. I watched the UFC every weekend it was on but didn’t understand how to get into it. So, from there my friend took me to Dennis Hallman’s Gym after a week of wrestling and grappling at a friend’s garage. I was still excited and nervous to learn and be a part of something new. All I was doing was lifting weights after high school so I figured this was something to keep me in shape. The defining moment was when we were sparring and I was going up against one of our pros and I started tagging him, he did not like that and just came with a flurry and tagged me with one that blasted me hard. I was like in my head, “Wow, this isn’t that bad,” and it was like some weird “Love At First Punch” thing and have been in love with the sport as a fighter ever since.

Julie: Is there anyone in particular out there that you would like to fight next?

John: In all honesty I would fight anyone the UFC gives me. Because, if you’re in the UFC you’re considered the best in the world, and everyone in it is a great competitor, and I enjoy the sport and competition and all I want do is fight. But, if I had to single out someone, it would be Brad Pickett because he is a top ranked fighter — his stand up is amazing, his MMA is very very good, and I believe we would put on a Fight of the Night kind of show.

Julie: Your last fight, against Ivan Menjivar, was a tough battle. I really thought you were going to win, but at the last minute he got the submission. Anything you would have done differently in that fight?

John: Watching the fight I realized I did make a few minor mistakes. I had never been in a position like that before, just beating on a guy who wasn’t defending himself, ya know; I’ve either KO’d or submitted him…whereas Ivan just kept lasting. So I got overzealous and just flurried on him like literally 10 knees and 30 punches. I blew my wad, so I would definitely have picked my shots instead of flurry on him. When he is down , threw knees to the body, because punching from the angle is very awkward and not quite as much power. I honestly believe if I would have taken one step to the right and kneed him once it would have been over. But this is a game of inches, and Ivan definitely inched his way to victory. I also want to add that I probably could have defended the choke and lasted, but Ivan unintentionally — if you watch the video — hit me in the sweet spot in the back of the head, kind of in the illegal spots like 7 times (laughs) and actually knocked me out for a second, and I woke up in the rear naked. But I know he didn’t do it intentionally. He was pretty dazed from the flurry and probably wanted a finish himself, and from that position it’s really hard to pick your shots, cause I was moving, and he’s only balancing with hooks in. But, he definitely knocked me out before he got the choke. (Laughs.)

Julie: Any word on your next fight? Are you training daily regardless?

John: It is looking like June or July, but I am training every day — not quite as hard, but just staying in shape, because I told Sean Shelby that I will take a short notice fight if someone gets hurt or whatever. Because, my goal of 2012 was to fight at least 4 times.

Julie: Without giving away any secrets, would you share your training and/or diet regimen?

John: No real secret. I do Muay Thai 5 days a week, which consists of bag work, mitt work, and tech sparring. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, I head to my main gym at night and we do grappling, wrestling technique, and end it with MMA sparring or situationals. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, I do strength and conditioning. When I’m in a fight camp I do the same thing, except I run and swim in between each of my training sessions.

Julie: Do you have another job/career or attend school?

John: I was a full-time Electrician before and after the Ultimate Fighter Season 14 show, about a week before I got the call to be on the finale I told my boss I need time off cause I believe I’m gonna make the finale. I did, and have been doing MMA full-time ever since.

Julie: Are you comfortable fighting at another weight class? Would ever consider going up to featherweight or lightweight?

John: I am one of the biggest bantamweights out there; I feel it gives me an edge and I make the weight cut not necessarily easy, but it’s not too hard. Later in my career as my body keeps growing, I might advance to featherweight and maybe lightweight, but for right now I am every comfortable with bantamweight.

Julie: Do you plan on exploring any other training camps, such as in Las Vegas, California, or New Mexico?

John: I have been to Arizona in Glendale and trained at the Lab with Benson Henderson; he’s actually a Washington native, but yeah, I plan on exploring/seeing my options, mostly just for small camps or to keep in touch with other fighters that might want my help or I want their help. I plan on staying in Washington, I feel I’ve got great partners and a great camp but you never know.

Julie: For our female fans out there, are you single?

John: Hahahaha, well unfortunately for them I am not. I am engaged to be married this September to my amazing fiance Brittany, although there’s nothing really special about me anyways, not super famous and not too handsome. (Laughs.)

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