
The Ultimate Fighter 17.08: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

By Nathan McCarter Subscribe to Articles by Nathan McCarter

This week brought the final opening round bout to us – Dylan Andrews of Team Jones vs. Zak Cummings of Team Sonnen. Also, it was time for
the season’s coaches’ challenge to take place. The winner earned some cold hard
cash, and his team’s fighters picked up $1,500 per as well.

Let’s get to the eighth episode’s good, bad, and ugly:

The Good:

  • As usual, the show opens up by having an
    in-depth look into each fighter who is competing on this episode. This week in
    particular they were on top of their game. Both segments were excellent viewing
    for fans. Andrews and Cummings are nice, down-to-Earth fighters who are
    relatable. Getting to know each man better adds to the value of the show, and
    allows them to connect with the viewers in a personal manner.
  •  Last season’s coaches’ challenge was boring
    (Shane Carwin and Roy Nelson competed in a decathlon). This season was
    something a bit different: Jones and Sonnen competed in a three-step race in small
    excavators. It was entertaining. That’s all the coaches’ challenge has to be,
    and it succeeded.
  •  Andrews defeated Cummings by decision to even
    things up. Unlike years past where one team had a significant advantage after
    the first round, this season all things are square moving on. While this is an
    individual sport, for the purpose of the show it is nice to have teams even as
    the tournament continues.

The Bad:

  •  The fight makes the bad list this week, but it
    wasn’t a particularly terrible fight. Once Andrews put Cummings on his back the
    fight was over. Cummings had no answer for Andrews’ top game, and that took
    excitement out of the bout.
  • Instead of sitting down with both coaches and
    deciding what two fighters, of the four available, to put back into the show,
    Dana White left the decision completely up to the coaches. The eventual right
    choices were made, but they picked one per squad. What if Team Jones or Team
    Sonnen had two guys most deserving of the Wild Card? Doing the decision this
    way would have left someone out. It should be a process where the President and
    both coaches make the decision together.

The Ugly:

  • Jones selected Bubba McDaniel to come back as a
    Wild Card based on how long he’s been in MMA. That is a terrible reason. What
    if Clint Hester, his other option, had outperformed him? He loses out because
    McDaniel has more experience? That’s unacceptable. Luckily, McDaniel was the
    right choice in this instance.

Next week the Wild Card bout is featured. McDaniel takes on
Team Sonnen’s Kevin Casey in a match that has been slightly hyped from the
first time the men stepped in the house. We will see if it delivers next

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