MMA Ratings Women’s Divisional Fighter Rankings are created by the Unified Women’s Professional MMA Rankings panel, and are assembled each month by a panel of journalists from multiple MMA websites and publications.
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Fighters need to have been active within 12 months (per division) in order to qualify for ranking status.
Catchweight fights are counted towards the higher weight class, but do not carry the same magnitude as legitimate divisional fights.
Fighters under suspension will lose their ranking status until the suspension is lifted and/or fines are paid in full.
For fighters or champions to retain their current ranking status in a given division, they must remain active and fight similar level opponents or top contenders in that same division within a reasonable time frame.
Changing divisions: If a fighter drops or moves up a division, their record may carry over based on their on performance against a quality opponent. Any fighter changing divisions must perform against a quality opponent in that division to be eligible for ranking status in that new division.
Any prospective committee members must be evaluated on their knowledge of women’s mixed martial arts and approved by all current members.
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