
Sengoku: no Ran 2009 (Predictions)

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Sengoku no Ran 2009 (Sengoku Rebellion 2009), also known as Sengoku: Sevent Battle, is scheduled for January 4, 2009, at the Saitama Super Arena in Saitama City, Japan. It will host the creation of the first two Sengoku Champions.

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Sherdog pre-fight analysis by Jordan Breen Preview: Sengoku ‘Seventh Battle’

Weigh-in Results:
Takanori Gomi (154) vs. Satoru Kitaoka (154) (Lightweight Championship)
Kazuo Misaki (183) vs. Jorge Santiago (181) (Middleweight Championship)
Hidehiko Yoshida (205) vs. Sanae Kikuta (202)
Antonio Silva (261) vs. Yoshihiro Nakao (226)
Sergey Golyaev (154) vs. Eiji Mitsuoka (154)
Dave Herman (243) vs. Mu Bae Choi (261)
Muhammed Lawal (205) vs. Yukiya Naito (202)
Seigo Inoue (154) vs. Maximo Blanco (154)
Hidetada Irie (204) vs. Minoru Kato (203)


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