Jan 25 2009 2 Fight Posts WEC 38: Varner vs. Cerrone – 9. Urijah Faber vs. Jens Pulver by Eric Kamander · January 25, 2009 Featherweight bout: Urijah Faber defeated Jens Pulver via submission (guillotine choke) at 1:34 of round 1. What Do You Think of This Fight/Event?
For sure the first fight was great, but I think much of the value stemmed from how things unfolded, which was somewhat unexpected.
We saw Faber totally dominate Pulver standing. Since then Pulver got knocked out in 72 seconds.
So why do we want to see this fight again? It was not a close fight the first time and there’s no reason that things will go down differently, except that Pulver hasn’t had the best traiing this time and Faber will likely be more aggressive.
Those few minutes were pretty exciting though. Pulver came balls out, much more aggressive than last time. But he would need to get lucky cause Faber is just a better fighter.
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