
Fear Of The Pink Slip – Post UFC Live on Versus 3

By Raphael Garcia

The dreaded pink slip is the worst piece of paper that any individual can ever have handed to them. In today’s economy, losing your job is a fear that many people have to deal with day in and day out. The same goes for professional fighters who put their health and well being on the line every time they step into the cage.

One has to ask, what goes into deciding to release a fighter from his or her contract. As UFC Live on Versus 3 ends we are sure to hear of fighters being released from their contract. But who? Will we see Joe “Daddy” Stevenson get his walking slip after a good run in the world’s premier promotion? What about Damacio Page who has lost his last two fights? Both of these fighters should be having a hard time sleeping after their performances tonight.

Is it always fair? Of course not. Take Gerald Harris who was released after one defeat at the hands of Maiquel Jose Falcao Goncalves. Harris was shooting up the middleweight ranks with three knock out victories. One bad performance against Goncalves and he was sent packing. Compare this to Matt Brown who had to suffer three straight submission losses before the UFC organization let him go.

Jamie Varner and Tito Ortiz could be another comparison. Both are former champions who have not had much success as of late. Varner was let go immediately after WEC’s last event while Ortiz was recently brought back to the organization. I believe that this fact deals more with the weight that a fighter’s name carries. Varner, while a one-time lightweight champion, was not a lightning rod the same way as Ortiz. Fans are much more likely to tune in to see Ortiz (some to cheer others to hope he gets dropped) but either way, he is surely the bigger draw.

As mixed martial arts continue to grow, the number of fighters in the talent pool is going to become larger and larger. With the UFC being the top organization in the world, they have the right to pick and choose who fights for their banner. Being released from the organization can put a hamper on anyone’s career. Bellator and Strikeforce are slowly becoming viable alternatives to rebuild their career. However, these organizations are shying away from hiring past UFC fighters coming off of a defeat, because they want to raise the credibility of their organization and their fighters. This fact makes getting your walking papers that much more dreaded.

Joe Stevenson and Damacio Page are two fighters who may have to face the fact of being released from the UFC after this weekend. They won’t be the last from this year either. The road to rebuild their career is going to be tough, but it’s not as if any aspect of being a professional fighter is ever easy.

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