Bantamweight bout: Edwin Figueroa defeated Alex Caceres via split decision (28-27, 28-27, 27-28).
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Bantamweight bout: Edwin Figueroa defeated Alex Caceres via split decision (28-27, 28-27, 27-28).
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Caceres was throwing a wide variety of strikes. Figueroa was sloppy with kicks and punches, but landed occasionally. Figueroa dropped Caceres bad with a head kick in the 1st, but Caceres recovered. Caceres dropped Figueroa in the 1st with a low blow, but Figueroa recovered. When he hit Figueroa again with a low blow in the 2nd round he was deducted 2 points by Herb Dean.
R:2 A:5 S:4 T:4-