
Fighting for Fitness

By Roy Billington

at my Heaviest with Couture 

Three years ago almost to the day I was training hard in a Muay Thai class when I took a step back and collapsed to the floor , I heard a loud snap crackle and pop . (Just like the Rice Krispie guys.) I writhed  in pain. I knew I had injured my knee, but little did I know this injury would curtail my excursion into the world of Mixed Martial Arts for 3 years. After being rushed to the hospital I was informed that I had badly torn my meniscus and would be put on the waiting list for surgery.

Just last week I received word from the Irish Health Service that I will still be waiting a few years before surgery. In the past 3 years, I’ve ballooned up to 265 lbs ,  but I’ve made it my goal within the next 12 weeks  to  weigh in at as close as  physically  possible to  205 lbs. Below  I will tell you how I plan on going about this.

For the next 12 weeks I will be following a strict diet, consuming only the finest Vegan food, and I will supplement my protein intake with Natures Whey’s Ignite Ultra V. I will also be following a weight lifting routine, and by week 3 I will be attempting to return to MMA training . Below  is my diary for week 1. Enjoy.

Week 1. Day 1.
Today was a real shock to the system .  I woke up and got in 20 minutes of cardio on a empty stomach, then came home and had breakfast before hitting the gym for a heavy leg session. I finished the day with another cardio session.  So  far so good.

Work Out
Leg Press: 4-5 warm-up sets of 10-12 reps, 3 sets to failure in 12-20 reps
Hamstring Curl: 2 warm-up sets of 15 reps, 3 sets to failure in 12-15 reps
Lying Hamstring Curl: 2 warm-up sets of 15 reps, 3 sets to failure in 12-15 reps
Leg Extensions: 2 warm-up sets of 15-20 reps, 2 sets to failure in 15-20 reps
Hack Squat: 2 warm-up sets of 15-20 reps, 3 sets to failure in 20-30 reps


8:00 am: 2 glasses of water and Multi Vitamin then out for cardio

8:30 am : 1 cup of oats with water and no sweetener.

10:30 am: Ignite Ultra V and a handful of cherries

12:30 pm: A bowl of brown pasta with fresh veg
3:30 pm: Pre work out Ignite V and Black tea
5:00 pm: Post work out Ignite V and an orange followed by a 2 mile walk
7:00 pm: Last meal of the day leftovers from lunch another small portion of pasta.

Week 1. Day 2.
Today I woke up and I was unable to walk. My  legs had completely stiffened after a hard leg work out yesterday, and honestly I struggled to get up and go out to do my morning cardio, but I have promised myself that I would not give in , so I persevered through the pain and got through my…         


Work Out

Flat Dumbbell Press: 3 warm-up sets 2 sets to failure in 6-10 reps
Incline Flys: 2 sets to failure in 8-15 reps
Straight Arm Pullover: 2 sets to failure in 10-12 reps
Rope Extension: 3 sets to failure in 10-12 reps
Lying Cable Extensions: 3 sets to failure in 10-12 reps
Overhead Dumbbell Extension: 3 sets to failure in 10-12 reps

8:00 am :  2 glasses of water and Multi Vitamin then out for cardio
8:30 am:  1 cup of oats with water and no sweetener.
10:30 am: Ignite Ultra V and a handful of pumpkin seed
12:30 pm:  A bowl of brown rice with some fresh veg
3:30 pm: Pre work out Ignite V and green tea
5:00 pm: Post work out Ignite V and an orange followed by a 2 mile walk
7:00 pm:  Last meal of the day leftovers from lunch another bit of rice.

Week 1. Day 3.
Today is  a rest day and quite frankly I needed it. My  legs are still very stiff,  and my chest and triceps tight,  so I plan on getting my cardio in early and doing some shopping for the next few days. I am a long term vegetarian,  so I try to focus on natural local food as much as possible , so with my day of rest I spent my day getting some fresh fruit and vegetables. On day 6 I will show you a sample shopping list for the week ahead.

Week 1. Day 4.
Back to the grind again today, I feel completely revitalised after my rest day and plan on annihilating my back and biceps with a high intensity work out.

Work Out

Reverse Grip Pulldown: 1 warm up set 3 sets of 8-10 reps

Bent Over Barbell Rows:     1 warm up set         3 sets of 10-12 reps           

   Hyperextension:     1 warm up set     2 sets of 10-12 reps

Straight Arm Pulldown:     7 sets of 10-15 reps

Concentration Curls:     2 warm-up sets 3 sets of 12-15 reps, per arm
Alternating Dumbbell Curl:     3 sets of 12-15 reps, per arm
Cable Curls:     3 sets of 15-20 reps

8:00 am: 2 glasses of water and Multi Vitamin then out for cardio
8:30 am: 1 cup of oats with water and no sweetner.
10:30 am: Ignite Ultra V and a Orange
12:30 pm: Quinoa stuffed pepper
3:30 pm: Pre work out Ignite V and green tea
5:00 pm: Post work out Ignite V followed by a 2 mile walk
7:00 pm Last meal of the day a bowl of pasta.

Week 1. Day 5.
Little pain today, I feel good. Motivation is high and my appetite has quelled. My eyes are set on my goals and I know if I continue my hard work the results will come to fruition.

Work Out

Seated Barbell Military Press
2 warm up sets of 6-8 reps
3 sets of 6-8 reps
Side Lateral Raise
1 warm up sets of 12-15 reps
3 sets of 12-15 reps
Upright Barbell Row
3 sets of 7 reps
Lying Rear Delt Raise
7 sets of 12-15 reps
Weighted Sit-Up
3 sets of 15-20 reps
Seated Calf Raise
3 sets of 20 reps
Resume Normal Sets:
Standing Calf Raises
3 sets of 18-20 reps, 1 foot at a tim

8:00 am: 2 glasses of water and Multi Vitamin then out for cardio
8:30 am: 1 cup of oats with water and no sweetner.
10:30 am:Ignite Ultra V and a Orange
12:30 pm: A fruit bowl with berries and some almonds
3:30 pm: Pre work out Ignite V and black coffee
5:00 pm: Post work out Ignite V followed by a 2 mile walk
7:00 pm: Last meal of the day a bowl of pasta.

Week 1. Day 6.

Thankfully today is a rest day, so as promised I will show you my shopping list as prescribed by Arthur Vinnitsky.


1. sweet potatoes
2. kale
3. cucumbers
4. spinach
5. ginger
6. carrots
7. beets


1. apples
2. pears
3. peaches
4. kiwis
5. bananas
6. honeydew/melons
7. grapes

1. wild or regular blueberries
2. strawberries
3. cherries

spices and powders

1. cayenne pepper
2. paprika
3. nutmeg
4. Maca powder
5. cinnamon
6. raw cocoa


1. buckwheat
2. quinoa
3. wild rice if tolerable
4. kamut

proteins, beans, nuts and seeds

1. FERMENTED ONLY tofu (tempeh)
2. beans of any shape you may be partial to
3. almonds
4. pecans
5. walnuts
6. pumpkin seeds (very important actually)
7. hazelnuts
8. Brazil nuts
9. pea and rice protein (best taken together for a complete protein)
10. wild caught fish only
11. grass fed AND organic meat if non-vegeterian
12. same as above; milk and cheese (preferably raw and/or local as well)
After reading into the links between Whey and cancer I decided to only consume Natures Whey as my protein supplement because Ignite Ultra v is the first all-in-one health & fitness product that is completely free of any dairy, soya, gluten or wheat in the UK
Natures’ Whey combines protein isolated from peas with ingredients normally associated with whey based products & enables vegan, vegetarian & allergic athletes to finally level the playing field.

Week 1. Day 7.
I’m very excited about today, today is the final workout of the week and weigh in day. I am eager to finish my workout and hit the scales to see if my hard work has paid off. Then later on tonight I will be travelling to Dublin to watch Cage Contender and interview Jeff Monson.


Leg Extensions 2 sets of 30 reps
Hamstring Curls 2 sets of 20 reps
Walking Lunges 3 sets of 40 steps
Standing Leg Curl 3 sets of 15-20 reps
Resume Regular Sets
Leg Press 3 sets of 50 reps
Superset: Repeat Exercises 1 & 2
Leg Extensions 1 sets of 30 reps
Hamstring Curls 1 sets of 20 reps


8:00 am: 2 glasses of water and Multi Vitamin then out for cardio

8:30 am: 1 cup of oats with water and no sweetner.

10:30 am: Ignite Ultra V a apple

12:30 pm: some almonds
3:30 pm: Pre work out Ignite V and black coffee
5:00 pm: Post work out Ignite V followed by a 2 mile walk
11:00 pm: A slip up, a bottle of coke and chocolate on my way home

Weigh in time

After a great night of fights at Cage Contender I finally hit the scales. After 1 week of training and hard work I have lost a MASSIVE 10 lbs. I am truly proud of my self, but this is only the beginning. Join me next week when I talk through balancing exercise and diet during work,

At cage Contender with Jeff Monson

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