
Tim Means Business: Keep an Eye Out For This Up-and-Coming Lightweight at UFC on FOX 5

By Adam Martin Subscribe to Articles by Adam Martin

One of the top lightweight prospects in the world fights this Saturday night at UFC on FOX 5 – so don’t miss his fight.

Tim Means, who is 2-0 in the UFC thus far and 18-3-1 in his
MMA career, takes on Abel Tujilo in an FX-featured preliminary bout at this
weekend’s big FOX event. The pair were originally set to fight on Facebook, but
after injuries they have been moved to the televised preliminary card, and
that’s the right choice.

Means has looked downright nasty in his two UFC bouts,
obliterating Justin Salas at UFC on FX 3 in the first round of their fight, and
taking a decision over Bernardo Magalhaes at UFC on FUEL TV 1.

Should he get past UFC newcomer Trujilo, there’s no question
he’ll make a move into the top 20 or so in the division.

Means really should be there now, but there are reasons he
isn’t. If you don’t know the 28-year-old’s story, you should. Means, who started
his MMA career 3-2, became addicted to drugs and went to prison for a few
years. In 2009, he was released and since then he’s become an absolute monster,
going 15-1-1 since.

He’s one of the top lightweights out there, but now he needs
to prove it, and getting a devastating win over Trujilo on FX would certainly
be a start.

Trujilo really isn’t the right opponent for Means at this
point in time – he should be fighting guys ranked higher – but Means isn’t one
to tell the UFC who to book him against, so he took the fight. But after he
gets through Trujilo – which he says he’ll do in beautiful fashion – he needs
to get a step up and fight guys at his level.

The hybrid boxer/muay Thai striker says he’s got a mean
ground game to go along with his vaunted striking, making him a force at 155.
He’s one of the tallest fighters in the division at 6’2″ as well, so he’s
likely to give many fighters problems as he moves up the ladder.

On Saturday night, expect Means to come out right off the
bat and look to bang with Trujilo. Look for him to try and land some power
shots on Trujilo’s head with his long reach, or possibly even grab the Thai
plum and look to strike his opponent with knees. It’s safe to say that this is
a very difficult debut fight for Trujilo.

If Means gets by Trujilo, that would give him three UFC wins
in 2012 and put him in a prime position to contend in 2013. Look for the UFC to
try and give him a high-level wrestler or submission fighter in his next bout
to test his overall game – someone like Jacob Volkmann – but for now Trujilo is
in the way.

Means/Trujilo could produce the “Knockout of the Night,” so
don’t miss it.

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