
The Ultimate Fighter 17.04: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

By Nathan McCarter Subscribe to Articles by Nathan McCarter

After last week’s amazing finish by Uriah Hall, The Ultimate Fighter returns for its
next fight. Kevin Casey is up for Team Sonnen, and despite a back-and-forth
with Bubba McDaniel he will fight another member of Team Jones, Collin Hart.

This is the good, the bad, and the ugly from the latest
episode of The Ultimate Fighter.

The Good:

  • The episode begins with Adam Cella returning to
    the house. He hunts down Hall and says there is nothing to be sorry about. That
    was a good moment for everyone.
  • Chael Sonnen continues to shine in the role of
    the coach. His antics are put aside and we get to see the real Sonnen, and it
    is a welcome sight. He is a great coach who is aiding in the development of
    these prospects.
  • The corners. Both corners were giving great
    advice during the fight. The fighters listening to a different story, but Sonnen and Jon Jones
    both instruct their fighters well. We have not always seen that in
    other seasons of the show.

The Bad:

  • Team Jones continues to strategize about when
    they will fight. However, they do not even have control yet. Furthermore, they
    are not discussing this with the coaches. They should focus on training and
    winning, and leave the matchmaking to their coaches once they gain control.
  • Stupid pranks while the power was out at the
    house. It wasn’t funny.
  • Kevin Casey’s fight performance.

The Ugly:

  • The freestyle rap scene in the house. I do not
    even have words for that. Oof.
  • After waking him up during the power outage, an
    upset Hart threw up the middle finger at the weigh-ins. It wasn’t necessary and
    a very poor reason for doing so.

Hart dominated the fight and gave control back to Team
Jones. Casey never put together much offense and could not do much off his back
in the second round. Credit to Hart, but that was a poor performance.

Team Jones will send Bubba McDaniel to the Octagon to deal
with Kelvin Gastelum on the next episode of The
Ultimate Fighter

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