
“Rampage” Signs With Bellator: Is He Ready To Reign or Just Rattling Chains?

By Raphael Garcia

Although mixed martial arts stars have not reached the mainstream to the same degree as those in some of the other professional sports, there is still a premium placed on being a personality within the sport. Some fighters are given opportunity after opportunity to succeed, based simply on the fact that they can capture the attention of ticket-buying, television-viewing, money-spending fans, which for many promotions is the end goal for them. With that in mind, the recent announcement that Bellator has signed

former UFC Light Heavyweight Champion Quinton “Rampage” Jackson could be understood as a move designed not only to help Bellator, but to benefit both the former titlist and Spike TV as well.

During his conversation with Sherdog.com, the former champion came off as very pleased with his upcoming deal:

“It’s a good day,” Jackson stated. “It’s refreshing to be with a team that gets it.”

The split between Quinton and the UFC was well-publicized, as one of the biggest stars in the sport was clearly unhappy with his place in the company. After his last defeat, which was his third in a row, both parties made it clear that they were ready to part ways.

“There’s some problems I had with the UFC that I’m not allowed to talk about,” Jackson said. “With Bellator we work together; I’m not told you have to do this or have to do that.”

Considered the second largest promotion in mixed martial arts, Bellator has signed perhaps its biggest name to date. In “Rampage” they get an individual who knows how to draw attention to any event that he is involved in, and he still has the potential to create highlight reel knockouts. However, it cannot be ignored that Jackson hasn’t shown the same dedication towards the sport since he lost his title back in 2008. It’s this perspective that brings to light the pluses and minuses of this career move for Jackson.

On the minus side is the idea that Quinton may be asked to fight in the Bellator tournament format, which calls for three fights within a 12-week time frame. That situation alone is a lot to ask out of an individual who hasn’t fought three times in the same year since 2007. While Bellator isn’t able to offer the same level of competition at 205 as the UFC, the question is still there as to which “Rampage” would show up in their cage. If he put on a lackluster performance, as he did against Ryan Bader at UFC 144, his stock with Bellator will take an immediate and almost uncorrectable hit. The company may take a risk by promoting him in such a way, but it’s something that comes along with a signing of this magnitude.

The plus side for “Rampage” is that he has an opportunity to cross over into the world of professional wrestling, which at this point may be a better move for the fighter. On Wednesday it was announced that Quinton, who, along with being a fledgling actor, has toyed with pro wrestling in the past, will have the opportunity to work with Total Nonstop Action Wrestling, and last night, he made his on-screen debut. Muhammad “King Mo” Lawal has made the same transition, alternating between the cage and wrestling ring of two of Spike TV’s flagship shows. And while the first go-around in the tournament didn’t fare as well as many hoped, that hasn’t stopped Bellator from promoting Lawal as a two-sport superstar. Don’t be surprised if Jackson is promoted in the same fashion, as he will potentially lock horns with mixed martial artists and professional wrestlers from week to week.

“I’m equally excited to do both but I can honestly say that the pro wrestling is a little notch above because I haven’t really done it before.”

While the plans of how these two companies would use Jackson have not been fully disclosed, “Rampage” hinted that in addition to appearing both in the cage and the wrestling ring, he might also get a reality show.

“I think that the fans are going to be the ones who are more happy than anyone else. I will be able to entertain them in more areas. I can probably fight a couple times a year and the pro wrestle a couple times then they could see me on a reality show.”

He’s already made one appearance on “Impact Wrestling,” where he had a faceoff with Olympic gold medalist Kurt Angle. And though some observers aren’t excited about what’s to come, there are many MMA fans that are interested, and whether this foray ends up being successful or not, they will watch either way.

In the past, Bellator has avoided signing many of the big names that have been linked to the Ultimate Fighting Championship. However, as the UFC looks to lighten its roster, there is a good chance that more fighters of Rampage’s caliber may become available. They passed on Jon Fitch, but for some fighters, there’s the opportunity available for them to work with both TNA Wrestling and Bellator, and that possibility may bring more prominent names to their door. It remains to be seen what the future will hold, but for now at least, this signing is worth howling about.

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