Catchweight* (197 lb) bout: Vitor Belfort defeated Anthony Johnson via submission (rear-naked choke) at 4:49 of round 1.
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* Anthony Johnson failed to make the middleweight limit at the weigh ins, coming in 11 pounds over the 186 lb weight allowance. He was fined 20 percent of his earnings. Belfort requested that Johnson not weigh more than 205 lb the day of the fight, and Johnson officially weighed in at 204.2 lb on fight day.
Johnson was able to take Belfort down multiple times. Belfort was able to stall a bit and referee Dan Miragliotta was always quick to stand them up or separate them. Johnson was pressing for the takedowns, but during one scramble Belfort got back control and finished.
R:2 A:4 S:4 T:3+