
Huntington Beach Bad Boy, Tito Ortiz, Arrested for Domestic Violence!

Tito Ortiz and Jenna Jameson in better timesBy Katrina Belcher

Tito Ortiz arrested?

Tito, Tito, Tito, Tito, TITO! Yes – you’re known as the Huntington Beach Bad BOY…but you’re really not a boy any longer. You’re a man. Time to start acting like one, and stop doing crap to draw attention to yourself; it’s just lame.

Yes – according to Lt. Mike Reynolds of the Huntington Beach Police Department, Tito Ortiz, the one time UFC Light Heavyweight Champion, has apparently been arrested for domestic violence.

Wow – way to go Tito, nice example for your fans, the kids, and even your own children.

Now – before we go all ballistic on the guy, we do have to remember that there are two sides to every story, and until he gets his time under the thumbscrews, uh, I mean until he gets to tell his side of it, Tito’s innocent until proven guilty. So let’s not all forget that and start trashing on him until we find out all the facts.

So for the latest info from Jenna, she first says he didn’t hit her, and she hoped they’d work out their issues and get back together. She’s wearing an arm sling, so it looks like she got hurt somehow!

Next – after Tito’s press conference, (which is posted below in the next video), Jenna claims Tito is a wife beater. Which, well, isn’t entirely accurate, as she’s not his wife. She looks shocked at the accusation, and then recovers by accusing Tito of trying to save his career.

And finally, in Tito’s press conference, he accuses Jenna of being hooked on OxyContin. At the end of the conference, you can hear Tito sobbing as he runs behind the curtains.

I don’t know how you feel, but this is all starting to mimic the whole Jon and Kate Saga. At this point, I think they’ve gotten just about all the press they should get. Time to move on to someone else.

Anyone have anything new from B.J. Penn?

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